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List of commands for git:

  • git:ai:ec0f7 Count the number of commits made by Linus Torvalds
    $ git log --author="Linus Torvalds" --oneline | wc -l
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  • git:branch:create-remote Create new git remote branch
    $ git checkout -b ${branch_name}
    $ git push ${remote_name} ${branch_name}
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  • git:branch:delete-local Delete local git branch
    $ git branch --delete ${branch_name}
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  • git:branch:delete-remote Delete remote git branch
    $ git push -d ${remote_name} ${branch_name}
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  • git:clone:with-ssh Clone git repository with specific SSH Key and User
    $ git -c core.sshCommand='ssh -i ${sshKeyPath} -o IdentitiesOnly=yes' clone ${repositoryUrl} ${targetFolder}
    $ cd ${targetFolder}
    $ git config core.sshCommand 'ssh -i ${sshKeyPath}'
    $ git config "${userName}"
    $ git config ${userEmail}
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  • git:commit:modify-recent-message Modify the most recent commit message
    $ git commit --amend -m "${new_commit_message}"
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  • git:commit:most-recent:undo Undo most recent git commit
    $ git reset HEAD~
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  • git:commits:squash Squash last n commits together
    $ git reset --soft HEAD~${num_commits} && git commit
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  • git:remote:change-url Change URL of remote git repository
    $ git remote set-url origin ${url}
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  • git:repository:clone Clones a git repository to your local machine.
    $ git clone ${repository_url}
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  • git:subcommand:execute Execute a Git subcommand.
    $ git ${subcommand}
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  • git:tldr:0ff3c git: Execute a Git subcommand with a given configuration set.
    $ git -c '${config-key}=${value}' ${subcommand}
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  • git:tldr:3c8f6 git: Check the Git version.
    $ git --version
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  • git:tldr:a77fc git: Execute a Git subcommand on a custom repository root path.
    $ git -C ${path-to-repo} ${subcommand}
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  • git:tldr:bc32b git: Show general help.
    $ git --help
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  • git:username:update Change username of git
    $ git config --global '${username}'
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  • git:warp:037e8 Delete newly git-ignored files from your repository
    $ git rm -r --cached .
    $ git add .
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  • git:warp:1ded8 Reset file back to git revision
    $ git reset ${commit_hash} ${file_name}
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  • git:warp:4cd87 Rebase master into feature branch
    $ git checkout
    $ git checkout master
    $ git pull origin master
    $ git checkout -
    $ git pull origin master --rebase
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  • git:warp:58feb Push a tag to a remote git repository
    $ git push origin ${tag_name}
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  • git:warp:7aa6a Set upstream branch
    $ git branch --set-upstream-to=${remote}/${remote_branch} ${local_branch}
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  • git:warp:b08e8 Reset local branch to match remote branch
    $ git fetch ${remote}
    $ git reset --hard ${remote}/${branch}
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  • git:warp:cbf3b Synchronize upstream branch
    $ git push -u origin HEAD
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  • git:warp:f0631 Clone all repos in a GitHub Organization
    $ curl -s -H "Authorization: token ${auth_token}" "${org}/repos?page=${page}&per_page=100" | jq -r ".[].clone_url" | xargs -L1 git clone
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  • git:warp:fe5a7 Delete local and remote git branch
    $ git push -d ${remote_name} ${branch_name}
    $ git branch -d ${branch_name}
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