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Create a new Laminas module
$ laminas create module ${moduleName}
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The given command is used to create a new module in a project using the Laminas framework.

The ${moduleName} placeholder represents the name of the module you want to create. You would need to replace ${moduleName} with the desired name for your module.

When you run this command, it triggers the Laminas CLI tool to generate the necessary files and directory structure for the new module. These files will include various templates, configuration files, controllers, models, views, etc., based on the Laminas module structure standards.

By creating a module, you can organize your codebase into smaller units of functionality, making it more maintainable and reusable.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.

Questions that are answered by this command:

  • How to create a new Laminas module?
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