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List of commands for samtools:

  • samtools:tldr:0f0c3 samtools: Split input file according to read groups.
    $ samtools split ${merged_input}
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  • samtools:tldr:14572 samtools: Merge multiple files.
    $ samtools merge ${output} ${input1 input2 …}
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  • samtools:tldr:21f3a samtools: Print alignment statistics about a file.
    $ samtools flagstat ${sorted_input}
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  • samtools:tldr:50b74 samtools: Count alignments to each index (chromosome / contig).
    $ samtools idxstats ${sorted_indexed_input}
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  • samtools:tldr:8b455 samtools: Sort file and save to BAM (the output format is automatically determined from the output file's extension).
    $ samtools sort ${input} -o ${output-bam}
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  • samtools:tldr:9a477 samtools: Index a sorted BAM file (creates {{sorted_input.bam.bai}}).
    $ samtools index ${sorted_input-bam}
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  • samtools:tldr:daa86 samtools: Convert a SAM input file to BAM stream and save to file.
    $ samtools view -S -b ${input-sam} > ${output-bam}
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