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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool socat. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Socat is a versatile and powerful command-line tool commonly used in Linux and Unix systems for establishing bidirectional data transfer connections between two endpoints. It stands for "SOcket CAT" and is often called the "Swiss Army knife" for networking.

With socat, you can create virtual connections between various types of endpoints, such as TCP/IP sockets, UDP sockets, character devices, files, SSL/TLS connections, serial ports, and more. It can act both as a client and a server, making it suitable for various networking tasks.

The tool supports a wide range of protocols, including TCP, UDP, ICMP, SSL/TLS, HTTP, SOCKS, IPv4, and IPv6. It provides numerous options and features like address family translation, connection logging, encryption, port forwarding, and proxy functionality.

Socat can be used for various purposes, including debugging and testing network applications, redirecting input/output streams, creating proxies, tunnelling connections, and interconnecting different network services.

It provides extensive flexibility and customization options through its command-line interface. You can specify the endpoints, options, and protocols using a concise syntax, allowing for intricate network configurations.

Socat also supports scripting capabilities, allowing you to automate complex network tasks and create reusable network tools. It can be integrated into scripts and used alongside other command-line tools for advanced network operations.

The tool has a vast user base and active community support, contributing to ongoing development, bug fixes, and new feature implementations. Extensive documentation and examples are available online, making it easier to understand and utilize the tool effectively.

Socat is an open-source tool available under the GNU General Public License (GPL), allowing users to modify and distribute it freely. It runs on various operating systems, including Linux, Unix, macOS, and Windows (with Cygwin).

Overall, socat is a powerful and flexible command-line tool for establishing bi-directional data transfer connections between different types of endpoints, making it a valuable asset for network administrators, developers, and system operators.

List of commands for socat:

  • socat:tldr:adde0 socat: Forward incoming data of a local port to another host and port.
    $ socat TCP-LISTEN:80,fork
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tool overview